Things are going to change.

Things are going to change.
I will change.
No more I say.
This shit has fucked me up, but no more.

Find new ways, or I'll drive you over. Again, and again until you move out of my path.
I'm set in stone.
This is what I will do.
I will cut the cancer tumours away.
The first question is, how high do you think I value you?
The second question is, does that really matter?
The third question is, what could your fault be?

I'm cynical, and I'm mad.
I'm bloodied and I'm bad.

Jag är en kille.
Kom ihåg det.
Jag är varken simpel eller könslös.
Behandla mig som det, och jag lovar att jag kommer bränna dig beyond recognition.


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