w00t in teh head!!

Alltså, världen är bra ironisk ibland.
Och ur ironins aska finns humor.
Och tack vare den humorn har jag suttit och garvat och flinat för mig själv senaste 3 timmarna.
Helgens snedsteg är som bortblåsta och jag är bara väldigt glad.

Jag har också funderat lite. Och när jag funderar, så pratar jag alltid engelska med mig själv!
Därför är alltid mina tankar mycket smartare på engelska!

Because of that, I'll write this in english!

I've come to peace with that there is some kind of fate or destiny for everything and everyone!
Life is much easier and more enjoyable that way!
Seriously, sure, the idea that everyone shapes their future and that crap is "good".

If there is a fate, that means there is a kind of higher power. A god mayhap?
I'm not religious, but I actually prefer the idea that there is some kind of force at work.

What people fear with a predetermined destiny is that their life will be grey and set in stone.
But I believe people have missed the whole point of it! Nobody knows their destiny.
How can it become grey and boring then? Life is about change.
Life is changing and metamorphosis.
Therefore, the only thing that you can know about your destiny is that something will happen.

Thinking back - of every sad thing I've lived through - or of every mistake I've made. I know that that leads me to the point I am at know. But that is also true for every good thing I've seen, and every happiness I've felt.
The only thing you know is that life is not a statis.
The situation a person is in will change.
Relationship changes - for better or worse.
People change - some call it maturing, some call it becomming assholes.
Life will lead you and guide you either way.

As long as you have faith in that, you can salvage the good times, and with luck endure the bad times.

This might be me just being too tired for my own good, but I feel like I finally understand religion for real.
I've been able to say thing before, state the same facts. But understandning and knowing are different things.
I can really feel it now.

I sound really religious, but that's not what I'm talking about. Praying is something that's just weird.
But believing in the ever-changing chaos that is our world, that's something that I can touch.

When I walked home from the bar the otherday. I felt wracked inside. I actually screamed at the skies.
The skies kind of answered through the world's irony.
It's just so friggin' funny.

Out! ;P


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